Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Marvel vs. DC

Marvel vs. DC is always a big deal with comic book fans. Super man is unbeatable some say then others will say the hulk can take him. This conflict and others like it get solved in a few crossover comics. Some of the matchups come with objectionable outcomes (ex. Wolverine beats Lobo in one of these crossovers) but others just make sense. Is this sort of closure what we really need though. Most of the matches victories were voted in as well which explains some of the upsets. Lets say if I want the Hulk to beat up Superman I dont need my dreams interrupted by a crossover comic. What I am saying is making a comic like this takes some of the imagination of reading comics. For instance Lobo comes and kicks Superman's butt on a dare. In Marvel vs. DC Wolverine beats Lobo. That is interesting I dont think anyone in their right mind would believe that Wolverine could beat Superman. Yet he beats a guy who can beat up Superman. The Hulk kicked Wolverines butt too and he lost to Superman in Marvel vs. DC. These things are better left to the imagination.

1 comment:

Kristopher said...

I'm just curious: who made this comment?

- Kristopher